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The Modern Locker Room

Integrating Technology in The Modern Locker Room: Transforming Athletic Training Facilities to Boost Recruitment and Retention.

Interview By: Ben Thomas

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In this Pro AV Today episode, host Ben Thomas discusses the role of technology in athletic training facilities, emphasizing the importance of digital signage, audio, and video distribution in improving these spaces. Guest JJ Parker, CEO of Tightrope Media Systems and Carousel Digital Signage, shares insights on the evolution of athletic training facilities into high-tech environments aimed at enhancing player satisfaction, recruitment, and retention. Parker highlights the significance of technology in fostering team unity and pride, along with its implications for recruitment, revenue, and the athlete’s journey.


The conversation covers:

  • The impact of digital signage across educational settings
  • The transition to tech-integrated solutions for athlete and spectator experiences
  • The design of versatile spaces supporting various sports.

JJ Parker brings a wealth of experience in the digital signage industry, boasting over 25 years at the helm of Tightrope Media Systems. Under his leadership, Carousel Digital Signage has become a pivotal player in transforming educational and athletic spaces with cutting-edge technology. Parker’s insights are grounded in a deep understanding of the intersection between technology, user experience, and organizational objectives.