Our Culture

Compassion . Clarity . Continual Improvement

We are proud of the corporate culture we have created. Driven by our core values,  Carousel Culture permeates everything we do!

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People.  Relationships. Humanity.

We act with Compassion because above all else, we’re human. Any action we take affects our team, our partners, our customers, our friends, our family, and our selves.

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Accountability. Simplicity. Efficiency. Scalability.

We create Clarity because trust is built on mutual understanding. The more we can clarify our roles, processes, concepts, ideas, decisions, the more we can understand, rely on, and build on top of our tools, workflows, and teams.

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Continual Growth. Journey. Craft.

We strive for Continual Improvement because our strength comes not from reaching a destination, but rather in the journey we take to get there together. Sustainable growth only occurs over time, with thoughtful, dedicated practice. We are not super heroes! We’re craftspeople.

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Carousel Culture Podcast

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